Scrap Patch

Confessions of a fabricologist

In the pink

8 years ago · 1 MIN READ

This is a sampler quilt I made in 2013 as a gift for a friend's baby girl, hence it being all pink!

The idea behind the quilt was to use up my stash of pink material donated when I made a quilt to raise money for Breast Cancer Campaign and to have a go at small samplers of new patterns.

My love of all things symmetrical and patterned led me to doing more than one of some of the samplers! The samplers I included  are:

Dresden Plate (in the middle) Grandmother's Fan (each corner) Courthouse Steps (each side) Log Cabin (each side)


On the back I continued the pink theme and used striped material with occasional bit of silver in it for variety.


I believe the quilt was much loved as a play mat especially for "belly" time in the afternoon.



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